My Updates

2024 January and February Swims
Friday 11th Aug
Thank you to my Sponsors

Mum And Dad

Hannah Kimberley
Good luck Sebastian you’ll get there

Sam, Joe And Zara Peace
Well done Sebastian

Nora, Ken, Hanna & Caitlin Kilpin
Amazing effort! A wonderful idea to remember Alexander who loved water and swimming and just playing in the surf or pool. The money you have raised will enable Canteen to provide some special treats for when they are needed most.

Louise Yates
Well done Sebastian, you are amazing!

Grandma Yates
Good Luck!

Grandma Yates And Auntie Louise
Good luck from Grandma Yates and Auntie Louise

Mum And Dad
We are so proud of you, Sebastian.

Marsden Whānau
You've got this, Sebastian!!

Oma And Granddad

Angela Mcminn
Sebastian, you are amazing!!!!

Anne-marie Montague
Very inspiring young man! Good luck!

Donna Price

Karen Enright

Johno Tahu

Caspian Yates
Go Sebastian!

Sebastian Yates

Such a worthy cause.

Ollie & Jack Kennett
Proud of you ‘Sea-bass’! Swim like a fish 🐠 From Ollie & Jack

Oliver Martin
You’ve got this Sebastian!

We are so proud of you. Well done.