My Updates

It is okay! I am okay.
Tuesday 12th Dec
Snip, snip, snip, and a Shave
Tuesday 5th Dec We did it today.
Countdown is on, 4 days left.
Friday 1st Dec Thank you for your support thus far.
In two weeks time
Wednesday 22nd Nov In two weeks, the hair cut and shave will occur in the Hall of NGHS at noon. Canteen, Freedom Wigs, and myself will all be winners on the day due to the kind generosity of so many people.
Shave 4 a Cure
Sunday 17th Sep Support Canteen and aid those that need a boost while facing the daily challenges of cancer.Thank you to my Sponsors


Steve And Bev Arnold
Steve says you look better than he did with no hair!!


Chris Hansen
Awesome Deb 🙂♥️

Bloody awesome effort Deb

Awesome effort and cause, Deb!

Jane Wyllie

Lee Oliver
Good on you Deb

Tina Wallis
I love your heart friend!!

Terry Gibbons
Awesome effort Deb, way to go. I'm growing mine for 2033

Amy Edwards
Love you

Deborah Spinola

Den & Mark
You and your hair are truly beautiful Debs! Proud to know you.

Kate 😻
Some lucky person will get your amazing locks 💕 Aroha a nui e hoa


Melanie Fowler

Rachel Read

Love your work and your life , and You 💜

Shirley Haskell
Well done Deb

Awesome Deb! Will be there for the cut!

Diane Frater

You’re awesome Mrs McKenzie❤️

Monique K Goodson

Carys O’mahony

Kerry Struthers
Oh! Loosing those lovely locks of yours! At least it grows back in time. Well done Deb!

Tracy Auerbach
Way to go lady!!!

Julie Knowles
All the best Deb!


Maree Spackman

The world needs more superstars like you!

So proud of your efforts.

Nice one Deb!

Deb Mckenzie

Wow, someone will love your hair.